Category: Safe Travel

Why Its Important to Budget and Save for Your Next Vacation

Travel by Train

Vacations can become expensive very quickly, depending on what kind of trip you’re planning. It’s important to do what you can to save money for them. If you are planning on taking a trip soon and are looking for ways to stack up some extra funds, here are a few tips to help you save…. Read more »

10 Must-Visit Destinations for Those Who Are Adventurous

Patagonia in Chile for travel destination and adventure seekers

For those with an insatiable thirst for excitement and a love for the great outdoors, the world is a playground of thrilling adventures waiting to be explored. From towering mountains to raging rivers and uncharted territories, the destinations for adventure seekers are boundless. Patagonia, Chile & Argentina Located at the southernmost tip of South America,… Read more »

Exploring the Pacific Northwest of the United States

City skyline in Portland with Mountain peak

The Pacific Northwest of the United States is incredibly beautiful. With major cities, cliffs, national parks, and amazing beaches, this is truly an experience you cannot pass up with your friends or family. If you’re looking to explore the United States a little bit more, we believe you should consider traveling to the Pacific Northwest… Read more »

Reduce Stress with Traveling and Vacationing

Family Vacationing on a Beach

There are so many different ways that people choose to handle stress; meditation, indulging in comfort food or even taking a quick walk. Rather than taking that walk, why not take a flight instead? If you’re like many others, your respective paid time off often goes unused because you simply can’t fathom the idea of… Read more »

Sailing into Romance: Crafting the Perfect Honeymoon Yacht Getaway

couple taking a chartered boat vacation

Your honeymoon is more than just a vacation – it’s the beginning of a beautiful journey together. What better way to celebrate your love than by embarking on a romantic yacht charter? Imagine sailing the open waters with your partner, basking in the sunsets, and exploring secluded coves. Selecting the Dream Destination: The world is… Read more »

Navigating Family-Friendly Adventures: Tips for Stress-Free Vacations with Blue Horizon

Why You Should Use A Travel Agent to Book Your Next Trip

Embarking on a family vacation is a cherished experience, but it can also be a logistical challenge. From finding activities that cater to everyone’s interests to ensuring smooth travel arrangements, there’s a lot to consider. That’s where Blue Horizon Travel & Yacht Charters comes in. With their expertise in crafting family-friendly itineraries, your next vacation… Read more »

How to Stay Smart While Traveling Overseas

Smart Solo Traveler Overseas

Enlightening, enriching, and enjoyable: traveling overseas easily tops the list of life experiences. To fully immerse yourself in your trip and stay smart while traveling overseas, keep the following in mind! Safety First When Traveling Anywhere Make safety your number one priority while traveling in a foreign place. Stay connected to home by providing friends… Read more »

Solo Traveling Safety Tips

Young woman traveling solo abroad

Planning a trip can be difficult, especially when trying to manage a group of people. Some people tend to be unresponsive, overbooked, or simply flake out on plans. More and more people are choosing to opt out of the group travel experience and instead fly solo. Traveling alone may seem intimidating- at first, but there… Read more »

How Traveling Can Help with Your Mental Health

Woman traveling for better mental health

We’re getting into the winter season around the country, which means many people will be going through seasonal changes, stress, and anxiety in their daily life. Without enough vitamin D in your life, you can experience a seasonal depression that can weigh on you if you don’t have good work habits or hobbies and activities… Read more »

Here Are Some Haunting Places to Visit this Fall Season

Couple Vacationing for Halloween season

Not everyone is a fan of the “Spooky Season,” but some people get really into the Halloween season. For those looking to expand their vacation destinations and get creative during this spooky time of the year, here are some places you should consider checking out for a fall trip! We’ve picked our four favorite and… Read more »

Consider Some of these Amazing Travel Destinations This Fall

Munich, Germany in the fall

Summer vacation is coming to an end unfortunately, but for some, traveling in the hottest season is not ideal. Traveling during the Fall season can be some of the most memorable vacations you’ll ever have. In many places, the weather is just perfect, and there are so many events, festivals, and other activities to do,… Read more »