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See the Sights: Top Locations to Visit in Germany

Germany is a majestic and beautiful country, with a long and storied history spanning centuries. There are countless sights and destinations to see, from historic sites and quaint towns to sporting events and major festivals. Here’s a look at some of the top attractions and locations in Germany, according to the German National Tourist Board…. Read more »

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Traveling Can Actually Help Reduce Your Stress Levels

There are so many different ways that people choose to handle stress; meditation, indulging in comfort food or even taking a quick walk. Well rather than taking that walk, why not take a flight instead? If you’re like many others, your respective paid time off often goes unused because you simply can’t fathom the idea… Read more »

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Explore Even Further With These Travel Apps

When traveling, there are so many exciting things to do and new people to connect with. If you’re anything like us, you don’t want to miss out on any of it! Luckily, these apps were created in the hopes of making it easier for you to get out there, experience new adventures and have the… Read more »

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Where You Can See the Northern Lights in 2015

If you’re like many people throughout the world, seeing the Northern Lights up close is one of the highlights of your bucket list. If not, well then we firmly believe that you should reevaluate. Who wouldn’t love an opportunity to witness such a cool natural phenomenon? Not only is it scientifically intriguing, but on a… Read more »

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This Revolutionary Suitcase Will Change The Way You Travel

Everyone loves to travel, there’s no doubt about that. However, there is one thing that all travelers secretly (or not-so-secretly) loathe, and that’s packing. Even if you have your travel itinerary planned down to the last minute, you’ll always pick up one outfit or one pair of shoes and think to yourself, well maybe I’ll… Read more »

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Passport 101: 5 Things You May Not Know

Just about every person in the world knows that if you want to travel outside of your own country’s border, you’re going to need a passport. But how much do you know about that little blue book besides that? You’d be surprised just how much there is to know. Here are just a few of… Read more »

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Visit America’s Most Haunted Destinations

Well it’s officially October, which means that Halloween enthusiasts all over the country are counting down the days until the spookiest night of the year comes back around again. While some will be heading to their local Halloween shop to purchase an adorable costume, others are using this time to seek out a few thrills… Read more »

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When is the Best Time to Book Holiday Flights?

Summer may have just officially ended and the kids may have only been back in school for roughly under a month but in our opinion, it’s never too early to start thinking about setting up your holiday travel plans. In fact, we’re sure that anyone who has ever left their holiday travel booking to the… Read more »

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New Google Maps Feature Serves as Perfect Travel Motivation

99.9 percent of us have utilized the capabilities of Google Street View at some point in our lives. For some, it’s to get a visual of where they need to drive when visiting a friend’s home for the first time. For others, it’s to get a general idea of what a neighborhood looks like before… Read more »

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How to Greet Locals When Abroad

If television and movies have taught us anything, it’s that people on the other side of the pond have different ways of saying “hello” to one another than we do here in the U.S. The thought can be absolutely terrifying to those who are planning to travel abroad and have no idea how to greet… Read more »

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Dealing with the Most Common Hotel Pet Peeves

When going on vacation, all you want to do is have fun and relax – and when it comes to the accommodations, I think it’s pretty safe to say that we all hold a high set of standards. Of course, you want your hotel room to be clean and in a safe part of the… Read more »