Well it’s officially October, which means that Halloween enthusiasts all over the country are counting down the days until the spookiest night of the year comes back around again. While some will be heading to their local Halloween shop to purchase an adorable costume, others are using this time to seek out a few thrills – and we’re not just talking about your typical haunted hayride.

You’ve certainly seen or heard about the many television shows dedicated to those “ghost hunters” who travel all around the word to visit the most haunted places known to man. However, have you ever thought about what it would be like to visit some of those places? Maybe now is the time to start planning a trip to the places below and find out for yourself if the stories are true.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium – Louisville, Kentucky
While Waverly was originally intended to be a place where those suffering from tuberculosis could gain one last hope of survival, it did not end up that way. Before antibiotics were readily available, doctors would try experimental procedures to help the afflicted. However, most cases ended with patients being unintentionally maimed or killed all together. Other patients suffered from the affects TB had on the brain, causing them to go mad.
Today, the halls of Waverly are filled with the dark energy of those who suffered slow, torturous deaths there many years ago. It is said that visitors are able to hear their footsteps and voices amongst the wall of the body chute, and can even get a glimpse of an entity referred to as, “The Creeper.” Moving at alarming speeds and climbing the walls and ceilings of the Sanatorium in a spider-like manner, The Creeper stalks visitors as they walk through the dark halls.
The Red Onion Saloon – Skagway, Alaska
It’s no secret that during the 18th Century, many people flocked to Alaska for their share of the gold rush action. However, due to unpreparedness for the trek they had just endured, most of them never made it past the town of Skagway. Instead, many chose to make the town their home and find a way to make a living there – which meant turning to prostitution for many women. With little other opportunity to earn a living in town, brothels became normal – and the Red Onion was the best.
Now a popular tourist destination complete with a top floor brothel museum, visitors will be greeted by a number of spirits. The first of which is said to belong to former madam, Diamond Lil, who still likes to keep an eye on her girls and guests. Male visitors have reported feeling her caresses and hearing her seductive whispers in their ears. On top of this, you may sense the malicious presence of a male spirit, or see the solid apparition of a woman climbing the staircase in a long, dark dress.
For a more extensive list of America’s most haunted destinations, click here and be sure to discuss your options with your local travel agent. They may just know of a few places you may also want to add to your “must-see” list.