With so many great upcoming cruise trips planned with Blue Horizon Travel & Yacht Charters, it’s important to make sure that you won’t have trouble with any seasickness issues. If you never get seasick, then that is great for you! Some of us, however, may experience some seasickness problems when cruising on a boat for a while. Before you step out on that cruise ship, make sure you’re prepared!

What is Seasickness?
Seasickness, or motion sickness, occurs when your brain tries to balance the signals it’s getting from both your eyes and your ears, which help to control your balance. This competition between your senses can cause waves of nausea, stomach pains and even vomiting. While on a cruise or yachting trip, you’ll want to be able to keep all the delicious fare from coming back up, so here are a few tips to make sure the only waves on your trip are the ones in the sea.
Natural Treatment
Ginger – Ginger is a trusted natural remedy for many motion sickness sufferers. The mild taste of this root is available in a wide variety of forms, from ginger candies to supplements and cookies. If you want to use the raw version of this remedy, you can find fresh ginger at your local grocery store, located in the produce section.
Peppermint – Peppermint is believed to relax the gastric muscles and keep them from over-contracting. There are many different ways you can take peppermint, from using an essential oil, drinking peppermint tea, or take a peppermint supplement.
Lavender – Lavendar is also another natural remedy to help combat nausea. It is known for its relaxing properties and anti-nausea effect. You can drink lavender tea, take a lavender tincture by mouth, or apply a lavender essential oil topically.
The Location of Your Room Aboard
It has been said that those who tend to have problems with motion sickness try to book accommodations on a lower level of the ship and toward the middle, if possible. These locations tend to stay the most stable and have the least amount of sway, which should help to minimize the motion that may be playing havoc with your senses.
Go to the Drugstore
There are also a few over-the-counter remedies that can help keep your symptoms at bay. Bonine, Benadryl, and Dramamine are the three most common over-the-counter solutions. While these can be very helpful, they may cause you to become drowsy. The effect often worsens with alcohol, which can mean you may be spending more time than you planned in your cabin catching up on your sleep while missing out on the cruise and beautiful places you’ll pass along the trip.
Modern cruise boat technology has helped to alleviate the symptoms of many vacationers through the use of stabilizers. Most modern cruise ships employ stabilizer technology to help minimize serious swells and falls that may occur while at sea, especially in choppy surf or during a storm. While these may still cause more rising and falling than normal, stabilizers help provide a far smoother ride and can help keep your lunch down.
Blue Horizon Travel & Yacht Charters plans many unique cruise trips annually in addition to working with many popular providers to find perfect cruise getaways. Contact us at 800-939-4334 today or visit us online for more information!